Drinking Water

Industrial Waste Water


Industrial Process Water

Agriculture Water
The quality of water be it water for domestic use, bottled water or even industrial effluent is subject to tight regulatory control. It is the responsibility of the producer of the water to ensure that the levels of certain analytes all fall within the limits specified in the relevant legislation. Many water producers think that checking that their water is within the statuary limits must require a full battery of sophisticated, high-tech analytical instrumentation, which is not the case in most of the scenarios
Water testing
A wide variety of analytical techniques and instruments have been used for the determination of the overall chemical quality of waters. These techniques range from simple pH measurements, ion selective electrodes, ion chromatography and UV/Visible spectrophotometry through to mass spectrometry and its hyphenated variants, as well as chromatographic procedures such as HPLC, GC, etc. However tests for water safety should ideally be easy, fast, accurate, sensitive, reliable and reproducible. In addition, any method chosen should be able to carry out selective testing of a very wide range of common analytes. UV/Visible spectrophotometry fulfills most of these criteria and is perhaps the simplest technique to use.
ELICO offers users analytical equipment for all water testing requirements: drinking, Industrial Water, Industrial Process Water, Agriculture Water and effluents.
AquaSpec (SL-270)
Spectrophotometer Specially designed to meet you complete water analysis requirements with more than100 pre-programmed tests. Some of the common tests include (Aluminum, Fluoride, Phosphate, Ammonia, Hardness, Silica, Alkalinity, Iron, Sulphate, Chloride, Manganese, Zinc, COD, Nitrate, Nitrite, Turbidity, Color etc..) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (SL-243/194/176) Analysis of Metals in Water
Flamephotometer (CL-378) Analysis of Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Lithium (Li) and Calcium (Ca)
Ion Analyzer (LI-126) Analysis of various ions (Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Potassium, Calcium, Ammonia, Cadmium, Bromide etc.) in water and a variety of aqueous & non aqueous solutions
Turbidity Meter (CL-52D)
Conductivity Meter (CM-180/183)
Ph Meter (LI-120/614)
Elico’s Automated Water Lab
A complete water analytics system, which is an answer to the shortage of qualified chemists for water testing.
The sample is poured in the sample chamber, the sample is automatically pumped into different sensors and sample analysis is complete without any manual intervention. The analyzed results are recorded and shown on the display.

The Sensors (ISE or Colorimetric) can be configured as per the requirement of the customer.