Received CITD NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD – 2003 for Best R&D Effort from the Council for Industrial & Trade Development, India.
Received Industry of the Decade International Award from WISITEX Foundation.
Received National Award for Quality Products in Small Scale Sector 1999 from the Ministry of Small Scale Industries and Agro & Rural Industries Small Industries Development Organisation, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Received CITD’s Gaurav Udyog Vibhushan Award of the Millennium – 2000 for “Best R&D Effort” from the Council for Industrial & Trade Development, India.
CITD’s Industrial Promotion Independence Gaurav Award 1997 for “Best R&D Effort” from the Council for Industrial & Trade Development, India.
- Received “Award for Excellence in Electronics-1997 R&D in Electronics” from the Department of Electronics, Government of India, New Delhi.
- “Best New Product brought into Commercial Production for the First Time in the State by a Small Scale Industry’’ Award for the year 1996-97 from the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Hyderabad.
- “2nd Best Import Substitution Award” for Water Quality Analyser, PE 136 at 57th All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad
National Award for R&D efforts in industry for the year 1995 in recognition of “R&D efforts in the areas of Successful Commercialisation of Public Funded R&D” from the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India.
- Special Certificate of Merit in recognition of “Outstanding Performance in R&D” during the year 1994-95 from the Electronic Components Industries Association, New Delhi.
- 2nd “Best Import substitution Award” for Ion Analyser LI-126 at the All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad
16th C.I.T.D. All India Industrial Promotion Award for “Outstanding Performance” (CITD Gold Udyog Patra) from the Council for Industrial and Trade Development, India.
- “Best Technological Development in Research and Development” by an Industrial/Scientific Organisation in the state for the year 1992-93 – SSI Sector” from the Federation of A.P. Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Hyderabad.
- 2nd “Best Invention Award” for PC based UV-Visible Spectrophotometer SL 151 at the All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad.
“‘14th CITD., All India Industrial Promotion Award 1992’ for “Best Quality, Research & Development Efforts” from the Council for Industrial and Trade Development, India.
- Award for 1990-91 for “An Industrial Concern which has during the year brought into commercial production the best of new products for the first time in Andhra Pradesh” from the Federation of A.P. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hyderabad.
- Award for 1990 in recognition of “Corporate Initiative in Research in Science and Technology” from the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
“Industrial Promotion Award” for 1987 from All India Manufacturers Organisation, Hyderabad
‘Special Award’ for Auto Scan UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Model CL58 at WISITEX 86 Exhibition
“Best Technological Development in Research and Development by an Industrial Concern in the state during the year 1984” Award for the second time from the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hyderabad.
“Best Import Substitution Award” for Polarographic Analyser at the All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad
R&D Division was recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi.
Introduced India’s first indigenous pH Meter – an import substitution – first to get ISI mark.